
Believe, Motivate, Succeed is the mission of Buford Middle School. The primary focus of this mission is to serve all students and to have high expectations of the students, families, and staff members. Our students and faculty continue to work towards meeting these expectations, as is evident through the honors Buford Middle School has received.
  • AdvancED (Cognia) - Buford Middle has been SACS/AdvancED accredited since 1979.
  • Blue Ribbon School of Excellence - Buford Middle School has been recognized as a 2017 Blue Ribbon School of Excellence.
  • Bronze Award - The Georgia Department of Education has recognized Buford Middle School as a Highest Performing School with their Bronze Award
  • CCRPI Score - The 2019 Buford Middle School CCRPI score is 94.8, which is among the top scores in the state. The state of Georgia average for middle schools is 76.2. Additionally, Buford Middle School's current School Climate Rating is 5 stars, the highest rating possible.
  • Governor's Office of Student Achievement/School & System Report Card - State Report Card updated annually as part of the GOSA Mission, in providing educators, parents, students and community stakeholders with valuable information that informs efforts toward improving education opportunities for all of Georgia's children.
  • Highest Performing Title I Reward School - Buford Middle School has been recognized as a 2018 Highest Performing Title I Reward School by the Georgia Department of Education.
  • Niche Report - The 2020 Niche Report has ranked Buford Middle School #4 on the "Best Public Middle Schools in Georgia" report among 535 schools. BMS ranked # 1 for 2018 and 2019. The current overall Niche Grade for Buford Middle School is an A+.
  • Platinum Award for Greatest Gains - The Governor's Office of Student Achievement recognized Buford Middle School as a Platinum Award winner in the 20172018, and 2019 Single Statewide Accountability System. This award is in the area of greatest gains for exhibiting high growth in student achievement and was accomplished by being in the top 1% of schools in the state over the last 3 years.
  • Title I Distinguished School - Distinguished Schools are among the top 5% of all Title I schools in Georgia when ranked according to their most recent CCRPI score. BMS has earned this honor for 2020.