BMS Athletics Homepage
Welcome to the Buford Middle School athletics page. We offer many sports at Buford Middle School. Our fall sports consists of boys and girls cross country, girls volleyball, and girls cheerleading. Our winter sports include boys and girls basketball and girls cheerleading. Lastly, in the spring, we offer boys and girls soccer and boys and girls track. Also, while we don't offer some sports at the middle school level, our 8th graders can participate on our high school JV squads, if that coach wishes to allow 8th graders to tryout for that particular sport.
Use the links to the right to navigate through our athletics. Please feel free to contact us if you can't find what you're looking for. If you have any questions about any sport, please do not hesitate to contact one of our coaches or our Athletic Director, Brandon Manders. For more information about Buford High School athletics, please visit the BHS Athletics website.
BCS Athletic Physical - Please note that all 7 pages of the BCS physical must be in the BMS front office and filed with Coach Sandra Ozment prior to any student trying out for a sport at BMS.
As of January 1, 2024, Buford Middle School students are not required to have a Dragonfly account. Only students participating in extracurricular activities at Buford High School are required to have a Dragonfly account. For Buford Middle School, the office needs the completed seven page BCSS form in the front office prior to any tryout.
The Mission of Buford Middle School Athletics is to teach the student-athlete the fundamental skills of the respective sports and to instill the athletic values of teamwork, excellence, effort, leadership, and integrity.
- Academic Accountability
- Developmental Program for the High School
- Create a Positive Environment
- Emphasis on Fundamentals and Not on Winning
- An Effective Transition from the Recreation League
- Implementing a Code of Conduct
**The By-Laws and Guidelines are established by State Standards & from local system applications of Georgia High School Association By-Law
Athletic Department Staff

Athletic Director - Brandon Manders
Assistant Athletic Director - Ethan Burke
Athletic Administrative Assistant - Sandra Ozment
About Coach Manders:
Family: Wife, Kelly; Daughters, Emma and Lila
- University of Georgia -
- Bachelors of Science in Health and Physical Education
- Masters in Educational Administration and Policy
- Piedmont College - Specialist in Teaching and Learning
Buford Experience:
- Assistant Athletic Director Spring Sports 2013 - Present
- Buford Middle School Athletic Director 2012 - Present
- Buford Middle School Assistant Principal 2019 - Present
- Buford Middle School Health and Physical Education Teacher 2014 - 2019
- Buford Elementary Health and Physical Education Teacher 1999 - 2014
- Head Rifle Coach 2014 - 2019
- Assistant Cross Country Coach 2011-2013
- Head Boys Soccer Coach 2001-2013
- Head Softball Coach 2000-2006
- Assistant Girls Basketball Coach 1999-2001
About Coach Burke:

Family: Wife, Ashleigh; Sons, Cooper and Jackson
- Piedmont College:
- Bachelors of Art – Middle Grades Education
- Georgia Southern University:
- Masters of Education – Curriculum and Instruction
- Education Specialist– Teaching and Learning
Buford Experience:
- Buford Middle School Assistant Athletic Director: 2024 – Present
- Buford Middle School Teacher: 2018 – Present
- Buford High School JV Boys Tennis Coach: 2023 - Present
- Buford Middle School Volleyball Head Coach: 2018 - 2022
- Buford Middle School Soccer Head Coach: 2018 - 2021
Documents for Student Athletes
Concussion Form
All student-athletes at Buford High School and Buford Middle School are required to have a physical form on file per GHSA before they can participate in any athletic practice or contest.
All student-athletes at Buford High School and Buford Middle School are required to have a physical form on file per GHSA before they can participate in any athletic practice or contest.
It is important that ALL pages (7) are filled out. If all pages are not complete with valid signatures where required the physical will not be considered valid and your student-athlete will not be allowed to participate in any sport.
Please note: If your athlete has had a recent physical exam that does not contain the new concussion form, you must complete and sign separately the Student/Parent Concussion Awareness Form and then submit it to the BMS front office or so that it can be attached and filed with your child's current physical form.
Buford Athletic Club
Families interested in the Buford Athletic Club can visit this page for more information.
Visiting Teams Information
Athletic events will be held at the following locations:
- BMS Basketball & Volleyball @ BMS GYM: 2750 Sawnee Avenue, Buford, GA
- BMS Soccer @ Buford City Turf Complex: 2750 Sawnee Avenue, Buford, GA
- BMS Track @ BHS Football Field/Track: 2750 Sawnee Avenue, Buford, GA
Requirements for Athletes
The following are requirements for all Buford Middle School athletes:
- Current BCSS Physical/Concussion Form on file
- Passing all classes (Academic and Connections)
- Be in good standing in terms of behavior and attendance