Odyssey of the Mind Club
Where: Mrs. Fisher’s room for spontaneous and planning. A team member’s house will be where all building will take place. A team parent will need to host the team to complete this part of the project.
When: Please check the announcements for dates.
2:45-3:45 pm Pick up in the back of the school by the green lacrosse wall.
Who: All Buford Middle School students are invited to join.
What: You work with a team to create a solution to the problem you choose. You will create a skit to present this problem. You will create a backdrop, clothing, lines, the whole shabang! What a dream, you and your team are in control of EVERYTHING. Coaches are there to answer questions, but your team is in control of it all.
PRICE: $100 payable on my payments plus
"The team of up to seven members selects from the 5 given problems and after working for several months on the solution, presents it at a regional tournament. At this time, the students will compete against other teams solving the same problem in their age division. Teams are scored for meeting the requirements of the problem and for creativity in categories specific to each problem. The top winners will be invited to State Finals and the top winners for each problem in each division at State Finals are invited to compete at the World Finals."
"Creativity is seeing what other see and thinking what no one else ever thought." -Albert Einstein
*Meeting dates might be added closer to competitions. Always check the announcements for accurate dates.